torstai 29. joulukuuta 2011

NOTD: OPI's It's My Year+ xmas

Hi my loves! :) Long time no posts, I'm so sorry about that! Dx The month of December was super busy with exams, couple of charity  things, my Bday and christmas prepairings, of course.

Here are my nails in the beginning of December :) The color is OPI's It's My Year from the Miss Universum 2011 collection. This collection isn't sold in Finland, I got this from USA when I was there.

 ^ With flash..

&&& Now I added some glitter to the manicure! :)

 And here are some photos from the xmas 2011 I picked up to show you guys :)

^ Yummy food... Carrot caserole = omnomnom!

 Some cookies me and my sister made from chocolate and Dominos.

Our xmas tree  from a funny angle.

My sister and me ;P If you want to check her blog out, it is:

She blogs in Finnish and her posts are so much better than mine.
And she posts frequently xD

And here we have my newest video;

Watch it if you want to know what I got as xmas presents ^__^

5 kommenttia:

Katariina kirjoitti...

Hahahhah thanks :D

Daniela kirjoitti...

jee tätä videota odotin tosikauan haha! :D ihania lahjoja sait :) En ollut ennen kuullutkaan tuosta Pandora jutusta, ehkä pitäisi tutustua siihen paremmin :)

Kath TheFabZilla kirjoitti...

Happy New Year. The food pictures made me so hungry now!!!! You and your sister are so pretty! and she has my name in another language, cool!

Pauliina kirjoitti...

@Nails1820 Kiitos! =) Pandora on ihana korusarja! (mikä on tosin lompakon kannalta huono juttu xD)

@FabKath Happy new year to you too! <3 Hehe, it's a lovely name =))

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

hei voisitko tehä postauksen, miten tehdään ns monivärinen lakkaus, esim. vaalean pinkki kynnenalku, keskeltä pinkki ja kärjestä tumman pinkki, ja värit tavallaan sekoittuvat toisiinsa? oon lähössä pian matkalle ja olis ihanat lomakynnet!